How to Link to Me
If you have found this site useful or entertaining, feel free to link to me!
It isn't necessary to request permission to link to Linking to this site is permitted and encouraged!
However, I do reserve the right to request the removal of any link.
Feel free to link to any page on the site, of course. Relevant, targeted links are more useful for webmasters and for visitors, so I encourage you to link to specific pages directly related to your site rather than just a generic link to our home page.
The page which is most closely related to your site and provides the most valuable content to your readers is the best page to use. Just use the specific page's URL located in your browser's address bar in place of the URL of the homepage below and modify the link text and description accordingly.
If you are not sure what the title and description to use, please contact me and I will provide you whatever you need.
The information for linking to's home page is as follows:
Title: Fantasy - Ireland : Make your Celtic dreams come true today!
Description: Come home to Fantasy Ireland! Discover the meaning of Irish and Celtic symbols, get Ireland vacation and wedding ideas, explore Irish castles, recipes, baby names, christening traditions, and more...
Or you could simply copy and paste the information in the box below.
After you have added my link, let me know, and I'll send you a link to download a free ebook that will make your efforts building traffic and gaining link popularity for your site dramatically more efficient and more effective...not just for the immediate future but for the long-haul.
Remember, going that extra step to link to an article directly related to your site instead of just the homepage is worth it...
Not only does it make the link much more valuable to your readers, but it also gives the link more credibility and relevance from the search engines' perspective.
The site map is an index of all the pages on my site, so you can easily choose the page that will be most valuable to your readers.
Or you can use my site search if you have a topic/keyword in mind.
If you would like a reciprocal link, just submit this form to request a link.

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